29 June 2007

Progress Report: baby in womb, quilt coming along nicely

With the baby still safely tucked away, I continue making progress on her quilt:

detail of the quilting on the reverse side of the quilt ...

top with border fabric for colour comparison ...

borders attached to front ...

checking the width of the border and liking it.

20 June 2007

Does it work?

I got sick of the brown-ish colour scheme and am trying a new lay-out. Hope it works, hope you and I will like it!

(insert tweaking here)

I like it!

(more tweaking)

I like it still ...

18 June 2007

And in case you are wondering why ...

you are getting these pop-up windows requesting a passwort you have never heard of ... I am upgrading site security at my husband's request. We are posting a lot of private photos on our private blog and will make those inaccessible this week, if only because paranoia is our friend and someone's holding Madeleine McCann hostage.

Georgia Marie Wood (1917 - 2003)

Georgia Marie Wood (1917 - 2003)
Originally uploaded by daintytime

Jan from bemused.typepad.com referred to this photo and it's an ideal pattern to use up my Turning Twenty and Hannah's Quilt scraps. Thanks, Jan!

16 June 2007

Are you sick of it yet?

The quilting is coming along nicely and some of the corners even line up.

11 June 2007

SAQA Reverse Auction

Always getting about three steps ahead of myself (and my bank account); I've cruised to the SAQA reverse auction site for those One Foot Square quilts that Kristin La Flamme mentioned, since she has one piece in that auction as well.

I already have a few favorites ... and find the idea quite cool. One foot square is very well manageable .. and I'd love to evolve one or two ideas I saw, such as Marvis Leahy's or Jette Clover's.

Find out more about the auction .... (click)

8 June 2007

All sandwiched and ready for quilting

Quite literally, blood, sweat but no tears went into this late night effort ...

Since I'll wash the quilt before gifting it, I'm not too bothered about that little stain. I just need to remember to moisturize my hands more with all this handicrafting I'm doing at the moment.

But I'm quite pleased with myself and how much additional effort went into prepping the next stage. Usually, I'm not a big prepper and then I struggle to get everything into the shape it's supposed to be in.

Here we are, all ready to go ... and I'm already wondering where I put the pattern for the next baby quilt. Making good time here ...

Couldn't bear it!

All corners lined up perfectly except for those two. I must have made a mistake cutting the floral fabric there. And since I spent so much time on prepping, I couldn't have that flaw.

I un- and then redid those seams and am much happier now:

(OK, can someone tell me why I always, always, always have to redo the anti-robot part twice or more?)

4 June 2007

Before I was a Quilter

This is me, ages ago, at my quilting class in Manchester. Before I became a Quilter, I was a knitter:

knitting bears for my friends' babies. This one has been bestowed the legacy of being born on 9/11. Seeing the images on television sent her mother into labour. ...

3 June 2007

Progress Report

Things are moving along nicely, thanks to my design wall and decent supply of washed-out blue fabrics.

This dotted fabric has gotten relegated to the sidelines ... I think I'll use the floral fabric for the back ...

I'm already debating what to do with the scraps and left-overs ...