29 November 2009

Finished: IWC Charity Quilt

It's all done, ready to be washed and then stored for next year's Annual Charity Auction and Wine Reception.

24 November 2009

The Emergency Quilt has a name: Elisa's Quilt

Elisa was born last Friday - she was due in early January 2010, she is in intensive care and her parents are "hopeful she'll be able to breathe on her own very soon". Mum is recovering very slowly from horrendous blood loss. It is all very sad in that only hope and time can work their magic and make for better days.

Edited to add: it is loosely based on Amanda Jean's Ragged Edges Quilt Tutorial, only that I sped up the whole process by patching and quilting at the same time.

As soon as I have photos to show, I will explain!

20 November 2009

Getting ready for Santa

Lots going on in my sewing room these days. I have a hard time prioritising at the moment. Santa? Emergency Quilt? Objects Quilt? Hell, I'll just parallel engineer ... !

And we will be the rest of the Quilt

I'm having a hard time leaving this one alone, which is good I suppose, because that way I will get done!

18 November 2009

We're disrupting our regularly scheduled programme

for an emergency baby quilt in pink! My elder daughter's best friend's mum has now been in hospital for ten days, trying to keep the baby safely tugged away in her belly. The baby is due in early January and mummy is going out of her mind, one step every day, chained to her hospital bed.

12 November 2009

Godchildren's Pressies sorted!

Check out the Christmas Stocking Tutorial by Aneela. Originally, I had planned on making place mats but the family is moving and that makes colour coordination so difficult. And they're also gone over Christmas ... so that now I will make Christmas Stockings and send them in time for German Saint Nicolaus. Yay!

9 November 2009

New Love: chain piecing

I'm having such fun with Caroline's Objects, probably as much fun as my friend Caroline with her Objects of Desire: shoes

And I discovered a new love: chain-piecing. Fast, fun, efficient!

8 November 2009

5 November 2009

UFO Challenge - The List

This is my list to be completed by December 31

Done as per last night:
  • Scrappy Quilt in a Day

  • Almost done:
  • IWC Charity Quilt

  • Theo's Planes

  • Halfway through:
  • A Night on the Tiles in Manchester

  • Not quite half way yet:
  • Caroline's Objects

  • Oh boy, nowhere near done:
  • Calendar Quilt Challenge

  • I have decided that this one is not an UFO yet, because it's just a collection of pre-cut fabric squares: Disappearing Nine-Patch

    Since this is not due until Aril 2011, I don't count it either: Bassetti for Reingard, cheeky, I know. But it's all about setting attainable goals. And that way I might actually manage ... well, Night on the Tiles may be a problem with all the quilting that will be needed.


    When my work day finally ended last night at 10 pm (household, kiddies, work-work, laundry, parents' meeting at church), I picked up the much neglected Quilt in a Day No. 4 and tied up the last few loose ends.

    I'm guessing it took me about 9 hours start to finish and I thoroughly enjoyed making this scrappy non-planned quilt.

    2 November 2009

    Stacks of Objects

    This is a stack of squares from my Objects of Desire jelly roll and charm pack. I am making very good progress on my value quilt. Pinning the whole thing to my design wall has been a great help. Now off to sew more squares into long strips ....

    I'm in: UFO Challenge